Monday, April 21, 2008

Final Thoughts

This book remains to be one of my favorite easy to read novels. I hope you all have enjoyed the interaction/ blog experience as much as i have this semester. I hope you take this experience and grow upon it as I will. Good luck with the rest of your school year.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Final Thoughts

There is a reason To Kill a Mockingbird is a classic. I remember the first time I read this great novel and at the time I thought it was it was one of the best novels we were required to read in school. I saw the movie some years later and thought it was a pretty good representation of the novel as well. Reading it now, as a teacher, and I can clearly see all of the literature aspects, social conflicts, symbolism and vivid descriptions of characters, of the south, and of racism. I know why this novel is classified as a classic. What a good read for us all!

Keep reading everyone,


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

It was a good read! I hope you all enjoyed the book.

Chapter 26

Why does Scout think her third grade teacher is a hypocrite?

Chapter 27

Why do you think Atticus appears calm when he knows that Bob Ewell is bothering some people in the town about the trial?

Chapter 28

Why do Jem and Scout think another student is following them?

Chapter 29

When does the realization of the attack hit Scout?

Chapter 30

Once again we see the reference of “to kill a mockingbird” why and to whom is the reference being made?

Chapter 31

Much growing up happens in the story for Jem and Scout. The book ends with an ironic twist in this regard. What is the irony in the last scene with Atticus reading to his children?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Chapters 21 - 25

Chapter 21: Who walks down the middle aisle carrying a note to Atticus?

Chapter 22: What does Aunt Alexandra call Atticus?

Chapter 23:What is a hung jury?

Chapter 24: Where are Dill and Jem?

Chapter 25: What does Jem order Scout not to kill?

Chapter 26 - 31

Chapter 26: What grade is Jem in in this chapter?

Chapter 27: What noise did Judge Taylor hear?

Chapter 28: Who does Sheriff Tate find has been killed in the scuffle?

Chapter 29: What does Scout call out to Cecil Jacobs?

Chapter 30: For what does Atticus thank Boo?

Chapter 31: What book is atticus reading?

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Group Five B

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