Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Group Five B

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rotina j california said...

Hello again students. Thanks for your blogs. Sorry I responded late to questions 16-20, I had technical issue

Chapter 21-25 Questionss.

Chapter 21 Question
Scout remembers that Atticus said a jury doesn't look a guilty man in the eyes. What do you think this statement suggest?

Chapter 22 Question
Jem cries about the injustice he witnessed that day with the guilty verdict. What statement would you tell Jem to help him understand the justice system?

Chapter 23 Question
Why did Jem invite Walter to dinner after he fought with Scout in the schoolyard? What did he want Scout to learn?

Chapter 24 Question
Do you think the missionary circle is really racist after calling some black people “sulky” and saying some blacks need to be save? These are contrasting statements.

Chapter 25 Question
Scout starts to squash a roly-poly bug and Jem stops her. Is Jem using overgeneralization? Is this good or bad? Do you think Jem is starting to think more like Atticus at this point?

Diane said...

Hi students! Sorry for my absence, we all were having computer issues at this end and were unable to connect. Here is the next set of questions.

Chp 21

Jem asked Atticus, “You think they’ll acquit him that fast?” (pg 207) Atticus started to answer, but then didn’t. Why?

Chp 22

Miss Maudie was explaining to Jem that it was no accident that the court appointed Atticus to defend Tom instead of Maxwell Green. Why do you think it was no accident?

Chp 23

Atticus is explaining to Jem how the jury’s votes might be swayed by circumstances. Do you think that if you had to stand up against a group of students and vote opposite of the majority, that there might be some type of retaliation against you?

Chp 24

In this chapter Scout is in the ladies world and she is not accustomed to. What is she learning?

Chp 25

Why do you think that Maycomb only thought of the news of Tom’s death for only a few days?

rotina j california said...

Hello students. These are the questions for chapters 26-31.

Chapter 26-31 Questions

Chapter 26 Question
Jem tells Scout to never mention the trial to him again. Do you think Jem will talk about the trial to someone else. How long do you think Jem will suppress the memories of the trial?

Chapter 27 Question
How do you describe Bob Ewell’s attitude towards getting and keeping a job?

Chapter 28 Question
Why do you think the audience at the pageant accuses Scout of ruining the pageant deliberately?

Chapter 29 Question
In the first paragraph of chapter 29, the author states, “For once in his life, Atticus’s instinctive courtesy failed him.” Why does the author make this statement and why is the word “instinctive” used?

Chapter 30 Question
“Let the dead bury the dead.” What does this statement mean in the story? What does this statement mean using figurative language.

Chapter 31 Question
On page 296, the author refers to the statement Atticus made, “You never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them.” What does this statement mean? This statement is a theme used throughout the novel. It can be used to refer to many characters in this novel. Pick a character and relate this theme.

Anonymous said...

Hello! Chapters 26-31
Chapter 26-What did Jem do for his football team? Why did he keep doing his job?
Chapter 27-What was Mr. Ewell doing to Mr. Link’s cook?
Chapter 28-Put yourself in Scout’s situation—she was inside a costume that she could not get out of and someone was chasing them. How would you feel?
Chapter 29-Who did Scout think helped her and Jem?
Chapter 30—What was your reaction when it was discovered that it was Boo who saved her and Jem?
Chapter 31-What did Boo do when he went over to Jem?

Anonymous said...

Final Thoughts

I really enjoyed this book. To be honest, I was reluctant to read this story. When I got past the first chapter, though, it was difficult to put it down. I read the book first, and then I went back to write my chapter questions. I found myself re-reading certain chapters as I was trying to find questions! This is such an honest story about life in the south during this particular time period. Each character has such unique qualities and characteristics. I laughed, I cried I got angry, and I felt happy throughout the book. It was such a great rush of emotions!